Agents can create support notes that are tied directly to the customer profile. Each support note is date and time stamped. And they will all show up at the bottom of any ticket for that customer as well as in the WordPress user profile screen.
Add Support Note
Scroll down to the bottom of the ticket
Click the Add Support Note button
Fill in your notes in the popup window.
Click the Add Note button to save the note.
Hit the ESC key on your keyboard to exit the popup window.
Delete Note
Scroll down to the bottom of the ticket and locate the Customer Support Notes metabox
Click the Delete link next to the note you’d like to delete.
Duplicate Note
Scroll down to the bottom of the ticket and locate the Customer Support Notes metabox
Click the Duplicate link next to the note you’d like to duplicate.
Edit Note
Scroll down to the bottom of the ticket and locate the Customer Support Notes metabox
Click the Edit link next to the note you’d like to edit.
Update your note in the popup window.
Click the Save Note button to save the updates.
Hit the ESC key on your keyboard to exit the popup window.
You can also perform these actions in the WordPress User Profile screen.