There are 5 pre-built algorithms to choose from. When a ticket is submitted by a customer the selected algorithm evaluates the ticket and assigns an agent based on the algorithm rules. You can select an algorithm by going to Tickets->Settings->Smart Assignment. A description of each algorithm is shown as it is selected.
Additionally, you can select which agent roles participate in your selected algorithm. This prevents Admins, for example, from being included in automatic assignment if that is not part of your workflow.
Here are the descriptions of each of the algorithms:
Agent Availability #1
This is the simplest algorithm available. Its rules are as follows:
- Check for a set of agents based on agents day and time availability only. If no agents exist use the default agent (any agent with the least number of tickets).
This simple algorithm is a great way to get started if you have multiple agents who work different shifts. The only condition being used to evaluate who gets the ticket is the time of day the agent is available (as defined in the user profile of the agent).
Product And Agent Availability #1
This algorithm is useful if you provide support for multiple products but certain agents specialize in providing support for different products.
- Check for a set of agents that supports the product the user selected on the ticket. Then, from that set of agents, check for an agent currently working (based on the day and times set in their agent/user profile).
- If a working agent isn’t found, then assign the ticket to the default agent (currently any agent with the least number of tickets).
- If no product is entered on the ticket then check for any agent currently working regardless of product. If an agent is not found then assign the ticket to the default agent (any agent with the last number of tickets).
Product And Agent Availability #2
Just like the prior one, this algorithm is useful if you provide support for multiple products but certain agents specialize in providing support for different products.
- Check for a set of agents that supports the product the user selected on the ticket. Then, from that set of agents, check for an agent currently working (based on the day and times set in their agent/user profile).
- If an agent isn’t found, then check for any agent assigned to that product regardless of working hours.
- If one is not found then check for any agent with current working hours regardless of product.
- If an agent is still not found then assign the ticket to the default agent (any agent with the least number of tickets).
- If no product is entered on the ticket then check for any currently working agent agent. If no agent is found then assign to the default agent.
Departments And Agent Availability #1
This is a relatively simple algorithm:
- Try to find a current working agent who has the same department as the ticket.
- If no match then use the default agent (any agent with the least number of tickets).
Departments And Agent Availability #2
- Try to find a current agent who has the same department as the ticket.
- If no agent is found then use any available agent regardless of department.
- If an agent is still not found then use the default agent (any agent with the least number of tickets).
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