Awesome Support Documentation


Here are the options that can be added to wp-config to control the behavior of Awesome Support:


By default, all tickets will be accessed through a URL of the type
If you wish to change the slug ticket to something else, let’s say help, so that your URLs look like, you need to add a constant in your theme’s functions.php file as follows:

define( 'WPAS_SLUG', 'my_new_slug' );


Setting this option to true will disable the auto-assignment function and hence have all new tickets assigned to the default agent (set in the plugin general settings).  You can define it like this:

define( 'WPAS_DISABLE_AUTO_ASSIGN', 'my_new_slug' );

Setting this option will usually also disable alert emails to agents as well – even if you assign an agent to the ticket some other way as the ticket is being created.  However, once the ticket is created, changing the agent in the admin area will send out an alert email to the newly assigned agent.


This item is defined to let certain add-ons know that Awesome Support is running in “hosted” mode (software-as-a-service).  When defined as true, it alters the behavior of certain add-ons. For example, in the POWERPACK (Productivity) add-on it will remove the CAPABILITIES option under the TOOLS menu.  You can define it like this:

define('WPAS_SAAS', true) ;


You can use this item to change the name of the cookie being used.  Currently the default name is _wp_session. You can define it like this:

define('WP_SESSION_COOKIE', '_my_web_session_cookie') ;

Note that this item is part of the WP SESSION cookie handling library published by Eric Mann.  We use this library to manage sessions in Awesome Support.


As of version 4.3.6 of Awesome Support we use custom tables to use session data.  However, if you do not have the ability to create tables for some reason please set this option to true.

define( 'WP_SESSION_USE_OPTIONS', true );

Note that this item is part of the WP SESSION cookie handling library published by Eric Mann.  We use this library to manage sessions in Awesome Support.


You can use this item to change the slug used by our PRODUCT taxonomy. The default is PRODUCT. You can define it like this:

define('WPAS_PRODUCT_SLUG', 'my_product_slug') ;


You can use this item to change the slug used by our DEPARTMENT taxonomy. The default is DEPARTMENT. You can define it like this:

define('WPAS_DEPARTMENT_SLUG', 'my_dept_slug') ;


You can use this item to change the slug used by our PRIORITY taxonomy. The default is SUPPORT_PRIORITY. You can define it like this:

define('WPAS_PRIORITY_SLUG', 'my_priority_slug') ;


You can use this item to change the slug used by our CHANNEL taxonomy. The default is TICKET_CHANNEL. You can define it like this:

define('WPAS_CHANNEL_SLUG', 'my_channel_slug') ;


Use this option to stop receiving notifications from the Awesome Support notifications server.





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