To create your first documentation item/topic simply go to DOCUMENTATION->Add Documentation menu item. This will bring up a screen similar to the following:
Proceed the fill out the following items:
Main Contents
Associate the item with a product: Click the Add New Product link in the Products metabox on the right
Associate the item with a chapter: Click the Add New Chapter link in the Chapters metabox on the right
Optionally create categories, sections and versions using the metaboxes on the right
Optionally create tags using the tags metabox on the right
Click the Publish button
That’s it – you’ve created your first item.
Tip: If you don’t have chapters you can simply create one with the name “All Topics”.
Note: Only items that have Products and Chapters associated with them will automatically be included in the front-end documentation screen. You can create other items without them. But, in order for users to find those topics you will have to link to them manually via a menu or some other mechanism. Otherwise, they will remain hidden.
View Your First Documentation Item
When you published your item WordPress created a link that you can use to view it. This link is located just below the title of your newly published item:
Just click on the link to view your new item. You can copy the link and use it in any WordPress menu.
Tip: To view all documentation items you only need one link. Any documentation link will bring up the full documentation screen showing all documentation items