When using non-English characters as a custom status, tickets might disappear from the ticket list. In order to prevent this from happening, the SLUG of the custom status should be in English. The slug is an internal representation and will not be seen by the end user.
To make the slug field visible while adding the status, click on the SCREEN OPTIONS link on the upper right side of the screen and make sure the “slug” checkbox is enabled.
Then, before saving the new status, make sure you fill in the slug field (Item “1” in purple in the image above).
If you need to retrieve a “missing” ticket you will need to know the ticket number. Once you have figured out the ticket #, you can log into wp-admin and then use the following URL in your browser bar to access the ticket:
You’ll need to replace the yourdomain.com part with your website domain and the number sequence with your ticket number.
Under certain circumstances the maximum number of characters in a Custom Status is 20. If you find that your ticket is not saving the status you’ve chosen, please reduce the length of your custom status.
Version 1.x.x might conflict with the following: