You can execute rules on a periodic basis using the WordPress CRON scheduler. This opens up some useful workflow scenarios such as:
Send reminders of open tickets with a particular status or priority to agents and users
Escalate open tickets if they’ve been open for too long
Send reminders to agents if they haven’t responded to an open ticket in a while
Creating a Scheduled Rule
To create a scheduled rule, all you need to do is choose the CRON trigger for your Ruleset and then select your recurring period.
When creating a periodic rule you need to be aware of the following:
Most, but not all conditions are available to periodic rules. This is because some conditions only make sense when a ticket is being received or replied to in real-time; other times the data is simply not available in an efficient manner to the rules engine.
The underlying WP CRON schedule itself is 5 mins. i.e.: the RULES ENGINE scheduler will run every 5 mins and then check for rule-sets that are due to be run or “overdue” based on your scheduled selection for the rule set.
The default is to only scan for OPEN tickets unless you specify otherwise using the STATE filter option under CONDITIONS & FILTERS.