Awesome Support Documentation

Create A User Registration Field

Adding a field to the Awesome Support registration form is easy:

  • Click on the ADD NEW button
  • Fill in the fields shown
  • Click the SAVE button on the right side of the window.

Field Elements and Parameters

Here are the elements that you will need to fill in:

Field Label: The label of the field on the registration form.  This is a mandatory field.

Show Label:  Whether or not to show the label on the registration screens.  If you use a “Placeholder”, you might not need to show the label for some fields.

Placeholder:  Text that goes inside the field – usually used to indicate what data is required.  Useful for text type fields.

Field Description:  Any data entered here is show beneath the field on the registration form as well as other places where the field might be displayed.

Help Text:  If entered, a “?” will show up next to the field.  The user will be able to click on the “?” and view the help text you entered.

Field Type:  This is a mandatory field.  Select one of the field types from the drop-down shown.

Choices:  This field will show up if the field type is RADIO, CHECKBOX or SELECT

Field Order:  The sort order in which the field will be displayed.

Field Required:  If set to Yes the user will be forced to fill out the field before registration can be completed.

Show This Field in Ticket:  Data from a user registration field is generally shown only in the WordPress user profile.  But it can also be shown on the ticket form as well. Set this option to Yes if you would like to show the data in the ticket.

Where To Display Field In Ticket:  If Show This Field In Ticket is enabled, you’ll see two choices in this field.

Map Field:  You can relate the custom registration field to one of the existing fields in the user profile.  If you do this, then any data the user provides will be entered into the “mapped” field.  For example, this is useful if you want to collect address field data that is then stored in the WooCommerce address fields in the user profile.

Back-end Only:  Turn this on to create fields that only the agents and admins can see.

Display Field On:  Choose which registration forms the field can be displayed on:

  • Awesome Support Registration Form:  Choose this option to show this field in the standard Awesome Support registration form.
  • Awesome Support Front End: In order for the user to be able to edit the field under the new USER PROFILE button on the front-end you should turn this on.
  • WordPress Registration Form
  • WooCommerce Registration Form
  • Easy Digital Downloads Registration Form

Use This Field In Rules Engine:  Set this to yes so that the rules engine can use the data in the field.