This add-on allows users to enter a ticket without having an account on the system. It accepts the ticket data and automatically creates an account, creates the ticket and then logs the user out. The user is then sent an email with a link to reset their password as well as the normal ticket confirmation emails.
If the user provides an email address that is already registered, they are prompted to log in to create their ticket.
The standard login screen created with the MY-TICKETS short-code is modified with a 3rd option titled “Guest Log in”.
The plugin is generally setup as plug-and-play – there is only one configuration option that can be accessed under the TICKETS->SETTINGS->Guest Tickets. It allows you to specify a “Thank you” page. This is the page that you must create yourself – it is where a guest user will be re-directed to after submitting a ticket. Its a good place to put other help resources, contact information or any other information that might be useful to your guest ticket user.