Channels allow you to track where tickets originate. Usually most tickets will originate from your main ticketing page on your website or from an email. But you can also track tickets that originate elsewhere such as Facebook, Twitter or even via a phone call.
Awesome Support comes with a pre-configured list of Channels but you must install them first.
Install The Core List Of Channels
Click the CLEANUP tab.
Click the RESET button next to Reset Channels.
View Channels
Go To TICKETS->CHANNELS to view your pre-configured list of channels. The list should look similar to the following.
Add / Edit / Delete Channels
To add a new Channel, just fill out the name and, if you like a description. Then click the Add New Channel button. This will add the Channel to the list on the right side of the screen.
To delete a Channel you have two choices:
In the Channel list on the right side of the screen, hover over the link under the NAME column. A series of links will show up – just click the DELETE link.
Click the check box next to the Channel and then select DELETE from the Bulk Options drop-down at the top of the list. Click the APPLY button to delete the selected Channel(s).
To update a Channel, just click on the link under the NAME column. This will take you to a new screen where you can make your changes. You can apply your changes by clicking the UPDATE button at the bottom of the screen.
Update The Channel Field On A Ticket
If a ticket is opened via the standard support form, our Gravity Forms add-on or via our Email Support add-on then the channel field will be updated automatically. Any agent can still change it in the standard ticket screen though.
Tickets received any other way must be updated manually – there is no automatic interface to pull tickets from Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Generally speaking, your customer cannot update the Channel field from the standard ticket form. However, if for some reason you need that functionality you can create a custom ticket form via Gravity Forms and include a field to select the Channel.
Show The Channel Field In The Ticket List
If you would like your agents to see the channel field in their ticket list you can turn this on in the TICKETS->SETTINGS->FIELDS tab. Scroll down to the Other Field Settings section and turn on the option to Show Channel Field.