Awesome Support Documentation

Add Your First Product

To create your first SUBSCRIPTION product go to the WooCommerce Add Product ScreenPRODUCTS->ADD PRODUCT

  • Fill out the Product Name at the top and add  a description in the main description area.
  • Below the main description area is a field called PRODUCT DATA with a drop-down.  Choose SIMPLE SUBSCRIPTION.
  • Check the box next to that field that says Virtual since there is no physical product that is being delivered.
  • You can then set your subscription price and period, sign up fee if any and specify a trial period.
  • Enable the checkbox that says Is Awesome Support.  You should then see some additional fields:
    • Ticket Limit Type:  This controls whether you are limiting the subscription to a fixed number of tickets or a fixed number of hours.
    • Limit Value:  This sets the number of actual tickets or hours allowed for this product
    • Set a URL to be redirected to when the purchase is complete.  Typically this would be the standard Awesome Support SUBMIT TICKET form or it could be a custom Gravity Forms ticket form.
  • Click the PUBLISH button.

Here is an example of what a completed product form might look like:


Note: When WooCommerce is installed, it creates a separate menu option in the WordPress left menu bar called PRODUCTS.  This is a separate option from Awesome Support’s TICKETS->PRODUCTS screen!


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