To create your first SUBSCRIPTION product go to the WooCommerce Add Product Screen: PRODUCTS->ADD PRODUCT
Fill out the Product Name at the top and add a description in the main description area.
Below the main description area is a field called PRODUCT DATA with a drop-down. Choose SIMPLE SUBSCRIPTION.
Check the box next to that field that says Virtual since there is no physical product that is being delivered.
You can then set your subscription price and period, sign up fee if any and specify a trial period.
Enable the checkbox that says Is Awesome Support. You should then see some additional fields:
Ticket Limit Type: This controls whether you are limiting the subscription to a fixed number of tickets or a fixed number of hours.
Limit Value: This sets the number of actual tickets or hours allowed for this product
Set a URL to be redirected to when the purchase is complete. Typically this would be the standard Awesome Support SUBMIT TICKET form or it could be a custom Gravity Forms ticket form.
Click the PUBLISH button.
Here is an example of what a completed product form might look like:
Note: When WooCommerce is installed, it creates a separate menu option in the WordPress left menu bar called PRODUCTS. This is a separate option from Awesome Support’s TICKETS->PRODUCTS screen!