Awesome Support Documentation

Set Up An SLA Profile (Policy)

An SLA Profile/Policy is very simple.  To set up your first SLA policy:

  • Enter a Description in the first field
  • On the right hand side set a “target time”.  (The target time is the maximum amount of time after the ticket is opened before the ticket is considered PAST DUE.  )
  • Click the PUBLISH button

Set up SLA Alerts

  • You can set up alerts by using the ADD NEW ALERT button directly on the SLA policy screen.  For each alert you can specify:
  • Time:  This is the amount of time in minutes that is left before a ticket is considered PAST DUE
  • Recipient: A list of email addresses to send the alerts to
  • Subject: The subject of the email – you can use the standard email template tags such as {ticket_id}.
  • Content:  The body of the email – you can also use the standard email template tags here
  • Who Should Receive Additional Notifications:  If you want to send notifications to the agent on the ticket you can select those options here.

Don’t forget to click the UPDATE or PUBLISH button in order to save the alerts.

Time Conversion Calculator

The target time is always specified in minutes and there is a handy calculator that helps you convert hours and days into minutes.

Simply enter the amount of hours or days  and then select HOURS or DAYS from the drop-down.  The number of minutes will be shown.  You can then click the SET TARGET TIME link to populate the TARGET TIME field above the calculator.

Recalculating Due Dates

If you change the TARGET TIME of an SLA POLICY then you probably want to recalculate the due dates on any tickets that might have that SLA policy attached to it.  Just click the RECALCULATE DUE DATES button on the right of the SLA profile to fire off this process.

Only due dates for open tickets will be calculated.  But, even so, this could take a long time to complete!  You might need to make sure that your Web Host allow you to have long running scripts otherwise the recalculation process will not complete!


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