New Support Partnership With ValiusWP

July 13, 2018 | News, Promotions

There are many instances where we receive requests for help that is only tangentially related to our products.  Or, in some cases, not related to our products at all!

Whenever we received these kinds of requests, we always wished that we could confidently direct users to a single provider that might be able to help them.  However, In the past, we were unable to direct users to any particular service company for help.  This is because we had not done the legwork necessary to vet any of them.

That has changed though!

Today, we're happy to announce that we now have a company where we can refer our users for help with issues that are not related to our products!

Introducing is a boutique provider of "unlimited small jobs" for WordPress.  For a subscription price of less than 100.00 per month, WordPress site owners can get unlimited help for issues that are likely to take 30 mins or less to resolve.  And for issues that are likely to take longer, they provide reasonable fixed price quotes that work out to hourly rates that are very competitive.

For any WordPress website owner who depend on their website to drive business or use their site as a branding tool, this kind of a subscription is a no-brainer.

But there are more benefits to this type of service than just "small jobs!"

With any subscription website owners get up-time monitoring, automatic security updates, a performance tune-up and more.  So even though the biggest benefit straight out of the gate for new subscribers  is likely to be one or more small jobs that are completed immediately, the on-going benefit is actually worth more since it takes the headaches out of routine management and maintenance of the site.

In Scope and Out Of Scope Jobs

Examples of small jobs that are covered under the subscription:

  • Installing a plugin (especially caching plugins)
  • Changing content
  • Add a Favicon
  • Making certain CSS changes to plugins to match an existing theme (this is a common request here at Awesome Support that are outside the skill set of many users)
  • Setting up redirects
  • Adding new products
  • Create new pages (as long as the owner provides the content)
  • Uploading new images
  • Changing headers and footers
  • Cleanup Malware
  • Cleanup Spam
  • Create Backups
  • Improve Security
  • Optimize Images
  • Reduce Spam

And more - just ask, you might be surprised what's possible with just 30 mins of time!  With support reps that have seen a wide range of issues, some usually tricky problems or enhancements just might fall inside the 30 minute window.

Out of scope items are obviously larger jobs such as:

  • Designing enter sites, pages or graphics - basically if it involves a designer or a content writer it would not be a "small" job
  • Custom theme development
  • Page Rank Guarantees (off-site SEO)
  • Mobile app development
  • Plugin creation
  • Server optimization and load balancing
  • Configuring DNS and SSL
  • Transferring a website from one provider to another

Basically, for most users of this service it seems like common sense would prevail.  If the customer can describe the issue in a few sentences it can likely be resolved in 30 minutes or less and therefore is covered as part of the support service.

The Importance Of A Comprehensive Subscription Support Service

It is very easy for a business owner to neglect website updates, plugin and theme updates and routine maintenance.   As a website falls further and further behind though, it becomes easier for hackers to take it over.

And, in many cases the site falls in ranking in Google and other search engines.

And that's not all!  We're constantly surprised when supporting customers how far behind they are in updates.  Even with our own plugins, it seems that more the 1500 users are using versions of our plugins that are outdated!

At the end of the day, it all impacts a site's reputation, current customers and chases away new prospects.  A single instance of malware infection can cause traffic to fall off a cliff, taking months to rebuild!  Many businesses simply cannot afford this kind of harsh impact.

ValiusWP is one more layer in a site's defense against these kinds of issues.  And it's a substantial defensive layer.

With updates and other routine maintenance constantly being taken care of, the chances of being hacked or otherwise compromised is a lot lower!  And even if the site is somehow compromised, the issue is addressed because they're notified immediately - many times before the site owner is even aware of issues.

Back To Awesome Support

We're really excited that we finally have a provider who can provide routine maintenance and trouble-shooting services for our customers when those requests fall beyond the scope of our normal support commitment.

It is a great service provided at a price-point that should be affordable for most serious businesses.  So we highly recommend that you take a quick look at and get your site set up with their service today.


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