Awesome Support Documentation

General Installation Instructions For Add-ons

Thank you for purchasing and installing a premium Awesome Support add-in.  Generally speaking, you can use the same sequence of steps to install any add-on.  Some add-ons might have additional configuration steps after the installation or some might have prerequisites before you can install them.  However those items should have been outlined in the installation document that linked you to you this one.

You can obtain your add-on installation files from either the links in the email confirmation that was sent to you after you made your purchase or from your MY ACCOUNT page on this website.  Assuming you have your installation file(s) here are the steps to getting it (them) installed.

Installation Steps

  • Download the file to your desktop from the links provided in your purchase receipt or from your Account screen
  • In the WordPress Admin dashboard select Plugins->Add new
  • You should now see a screen with the list of plugins that are installed on your system.  At the top left is a button labeled Upload Plugin. Click on it.
  • You should see a dialog box asking for the plugin file.  Navigate to your desktop and choose the file you downloaded in the first step of this procedure then click the Open button at the bottom of the dialog box
  • You should now be back in the main Add plugin screen with the filename filled out.  Just click the Install Now button.
  • If all goes well you will see a new screen with a link that says Activate Plugin.  Click on it.  That will complete the plugin installation process.

After you have completed these steps, please use the BACK button on your browser to return to the instructions the linked you here to complete the rest of the installation steps (if any).


If you get a “directory already exists” error message, you will need to use FTP to upload the updated plugin to the folder that already exists.  Check with your hosting provider for instructions on how to use FTP to upload files.  Please make sure you “unzip” the plugin files before uploading them via FTP


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